Sonder wines are about a journey.
We aim to capture what many people experience at some or other stage in life. Sometimes more often than we think.
We don’t do conventional labels or pretentious texts – instead we focus on the message and put our thoughts on the label.

Dog Eat Dog
Red Wine
So, it’s one of two things. Either this label can be perceived on face value – about a dog that’s devouring a stolen hotdog (possibly stolen of the buffet table at a party) or it’s about an experience that you may recall of a personal challenge.
We see the humour in business here – like our competitors who can be so devious, that they have one eye on what they’re doing and the other eye squarely on what our next move is! Fact remains that the game of survival is a very real thing – is it not? But hang on, don’t give a sip.
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It’s more about the realisation of something significant than just a simple fact. That each passer-by, each random person, one you may know – or one you may never meet, has a life as vivid, unscripted and quite possibly as complex or even more than that of your own. Our lives are littered with madness – global conditioning, undefined rules, weird habits, volatile politics, unstable economies, crazy people, ticking bombs and more. But we’re also blessed with what we call the good things, such as friends, family, relationships, surprises, experiences, love – and some may say even the access to money. True, it’s a means to certain things, but it’s not everything.
None the less, it’s a magnificent story that unfolds around you like the autonomous and uncontrollable changing of the seasons. The wilting leaves will drop and come the new season; new life will sprout in unrivalled abundance! So do the millions of people around you. They change and move like the colourful particles of a kaleidoscope – in the hands of a busy toddler, with no agenda or understanding as to what he’s doing with it.
Have you ever wondered how often you might feature if this world were the cast of a movie? Perhaps you’ll imagine to be the next slick 007 agent – or perhaps you’re the performing dancer on a magical dancefloor in the middle of the ocean, where Spanish speaking aliens sit on the water’s surface admiring your idiocy, whilst absorbing their fluorescent cocktails through their elbows…
Our artwork is produced by artist and author Ann Gadd.
The Sonder labels have nothing but a picture on the front of them… No name, cultivars, etc.
The reason for this is because we’re trying to tell a story without words – like the people around us without dialogue. It’s an image with a message – and how you interpret it is up to you. The back-label, however, might tell you a little something more, or a little something less. Either way, it could be mind-blowing relevant or entirely not.
Our artwork is produced by artist and author Ann Gadd. She is also a Reiki master and ransformational counsellor and speaker. Some of her books (she has written 25) include “The A-Z Guide to common habits”, “Finding Your Feet” and “The Girl Who Bites Her Nails” and “The Man who is always late”. Basically, we put some of our own ideas into her head and Ann magically creates the image for us. Thank you Ann.
If you would like to read more about Ann Gadd, please visit her website at:

Now here’s how we get unconventional. The Sonder brand of wines have nothing but a picture on the front of them.
No name, cultivars, fallacious terms, customary or prescribed text or boring etiquette… No, we don’t conform to any of that. Instead we aim to tell a story without words. Convey a message, through a thought-provoking image – that allows you to tell the story yourself.
The back label will be about the brand. What it means to us – but you will still be given the freedom to make up your own mind.
It there’s one constant in this world, it’s that each and every person that passes you by, has their own unique story. Their own pitfalls and successes, their own challenges, losses and the impact its had on their lives. What they may have overcome or survived, but sadly also that which may have conquered them.
Each individual’s life is unscripted and quite possibly as complex or even more than your own. Think about this… How you interpret it is up to you – we give you an image with a message. Perhaps it can be perceived as nothing more than a dog scratching its fleas – or perhaps it’s a person literally starting from scratch… when, why, what happened or what’s going to happen…? The point is that your head or your heart can decide from here.
Well, we happen to also love dogs.
We love all animals in fact! But how often haven’t you read a fantastic story in a dog’s face, or in their reaction to something? They don’t use words either.